  • 翻译

Anji game


  • 双语例句
  • 1
    据韩国水原地区法院的法官永安吉(音,Unggi Yoon)估计,韩国法庭已经收到大约300起此类的诈骗案,以及60多起与虚拟游戏世界相关的黑客攻击案件。
    Unggi Yoon, a judge in the Suwon District court in South Korea, estimates that Korean courts have heard nearly 300 cases of fraud and more than 60 relating to hacking in virtual game-worlds.
  • 2
    安吉丽娜·朱莉在电影《古墓丽影》和稍显逊色的续集中对劳拉·克罗夫特(Lara Croft)这一角色的成功演绎,使得电子游戏中的女英雄立马成为了轰动一时的流行偶像。
    Videogame heroine Lara Craft became a pop-culture sensation when Angelina Jolie took on the character for one good Tomb Raider movie and a so-so sequel.
  • 3
    The famous game Tomb Raider has been brought to the screen many years ago, the protagonist that played by Angelina Jolie has been the classic image.