They sell in part to speculators who hope to profit from any difference between the prices in futures markets and actual future prices.
It is possible that Paulson's profit is even higher as it is not clear at what precise price he started putting his position into place or how many shares he has actually bought back.
大家所熟知的1992年英镑钉住汇率制事件中,外汇交易市场的操盘手实际上已经挑战了英国央行(Bank of England),不仅如此,他们甚至迫使英镑贬值并从中获利达数十亿英镑。
In the well known case of the GBP peg in 1992, the major players in the FX market actually challenged the Bank of England, no less, and forced a devaluation of the GBP, making billions in the process.