without worries
恒生银行 Hang Seng bank, Hong Kong 宽亮 deep and sonorous (voice); without worries; wide and bright 宽亮 wide and bright; deep and sonorous (voice); without worries ..
wide and bright
见亮 please forgive me 宽亮 wide and bright; without worries; deep and sonorous (voice) 宽亮 wide and bright; without worries; deep and sonorous (voice) ..
deep and sonorous
... clear and sonorous (voice) 清朗 deep and sonorous (voice) 宽亮; 宽亮 sonorant 响音; 响音 ...
宽亮 kuānliàng [方] [spacious and bright]∶宽敞明亮 宽亮的展览大厅 [without worry or anxiety]∶宽敞明亮 心里宽亮 [deep and sonorous]∶[嗓音]宽而响亮