home away from home
宾至如归(home away from home)
Home from home
宾至如归(Home from home),基本(Basic)是亏。
feel at home
...“PAGODA”(佰宝塔)举行隆重的欢迎晚宴,给我们认识在桑的其他中资机构、华人华侨创造机会,同时让我们feel at home(宾至如归),让我们经历各种转机及怀揣各种疑惑地心很快放松下来,几天下来我们就认识了中铁、北京建工、电台组、中波组、孔子学院等各个机...
make them feel at home
...海市一座历史文化名城(高口也考到过几次) Shanghai is a famous historic and cultural city 宾至如归 make them feel at home 上海会使每一位旅游者流连忘返,乐不思蜀 Shanghai will make every tourist stay a longer time and become too delighted to b...
宾至如归,汉语成语,读音为bīn zhì rú guī。宾:客人。 客人到这里就像回到自己家里一样。形容招待客人热情周到。出自《左传·襄公三十一年》。