Wokao,单就寻花问柳(Whoring)一条在男爷们看来(It seems)即是死刑一条。在旅行中,我们不再超越就面临着被人超越的危险。
cat around
... be chicken 害怕,显得胆怯 cat around 寻花问柳 run around like a chicken with its head cut off 晕头转向 ...
to sow one's wild oats
希腊杠柳 periploca graeca 寻花问柳 to frequent brothels; to sow one's wild oats; to enjoy the spring scenery 烟花粉柳 prostitutes like powdered willows (idiom) ..
寻花问柳,汉语成语, 拼音是xún huā wèn liǔ, 释义:原指赏玩春天的景色,后旧小说用来指宿娼。 出自《严中丞枉驾见过》。