ethnic minorities
少数民族(ethnic minorities)
minority people
...少数民族;文化;保护;发展中图分类号: C912. 4文献标识码: A文章编号:1003 - 6644( 2013)01 - 0051 - 04文化是民族的血脉与灵魂,[gap=6746]Key words: minority people; culture; protection; development2013 年第 1 期( 总第 137 期)贵州民族大学学报( 哲学社会科学版)Journa..
minority groups
MeSH主题词 围手术期护理(Perioperative Nursing) 少数民族(Minority Groups) 手(Hand) 高血压(Hypertension) 主动脉(Aorta) 观察(Observation) 护理(Nursing Care) 健康教育(Health Education) ..
Synopsis of the General Catalogue of Ancient Books of Ethnic Minority Groups of China; ; Synopsis on the General Catalogue of Ancient Books of Ethnic Minority Groups of China
ethnic minority civil servant
ethnic minority students in preparatory classes