shores(岸), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
Yuuji Kishello
...精力能量物质--生命之泉(Life Stream),也只有在缺乏精力能量物质的情况下星球的创口才不配置声音:岸 佑二(Yuuji Kishello)
People on Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait as One Family ; People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are all of one family. People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits belong to one and the same family ; people on both sides of the Straits belong to one and the same family
the other world; other-worldliness ; the other world; other-worldliness; Jennseitigkeit
this-sidedness; this-worldliness; Diesseitigkeit ; this-sidedness; this-worldliness