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     differential pistorn

    ...f calibrating thermocouple,热电偶微差检定法 differential method of measurement,微差测量法 differential pistorn,差动活塞 differential preamplifier,差动前置放大器 differential pressure,差压 ..

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     stepped piston

    ... stepped grate 阶梯炉篦 stepped piston 差动活塞 stepped shaft 阶梯式轴 ...

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     differential motion piston

    ... differential micrometer dial 差动测微分度盘 differential motion piston 差动活塞 differential motor 差动式马达 ...

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     differential area piston

    ... DIFFERENTIAL AREA 波形差面积比较 differential area piston 差动活塞 differential of area 面积元素 ...

  • 双语例句
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    因此,该流体的差动回路既可提高系统中活塞杆空载运行 的速度,又可节能,延长系统使用寿命。
    Therefore, the fluid differential circuit can not only increase the speed of the no-load operation of the piston rod in the system, but also save energy, and prolong the service life of the system.