The lure
拉姆塞的回答干脆利落(The lure):是的。不过以杰拉德为学习和榜样,并不影响他对阿森纳的爱,相反,杰拉德对利物浦‘Liverpool’的忠心足以令他动容:拉姆塞对阿...
Modern Occupational Safety
...例 [上海针灸杂志 Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion] "干脆利落" [现代职业安全 Modern Occupational Safety] 擅治伤寒,长于温病--记清代御医袁鹤侪 Being Excel at Treatment of Febrile Diseases and the Epidemic Febrile Disease--Reca...
come straight to the point without the slightest hesitation
干脆利落 come straight to the point without the slightest hesitation; be crisp, clean-c ..
be crisp, clean-c
干脆利落 come straight to the point without the slightest hesitation; be crisp, clean-c ... 干脆利落的 laconical ..