opening up
开放(opening up)
throw open
航海航天英语词汇大全第4814页 ... thrumming帆布浸油植绒 thrustandtorquedynamometer推力扭矩仪 thrustaugmenter增推力装置 B2B99收辑整理 ...
目前,有两种重要的网络体系结构,即开放 系统互连(OpenSystemInterconnection,OSI)参考模型和TCP/IP参考模型。
opening up ; opening up to the outside world ; to open up to the outside world; to open up
two-way openness ; emphasis on both domestic and international markets ; two-way opening up
new systems for developing an open economy; a new open-economy system ; open economy based on new systems ; a new system for an open economy