come straight to the point
...志、承上启下(from a connecting link between what comes before and what goes after)、开门见山(come straight to the point),烘托、渲染、动静相衬、虚实相生,实写与虚写,托物寓意、咏物抒情等。表达方式就是常见的叙述、描写、抒情、议论和说明.
Open the door see mountain
好好 学习,天天向上: Open the door see mountain 开门见山 ..
straight to the point
(猫扑)开门见山(Straight to the point),畅想08,忘记过去才能有新的开始。勤奋是一双有力的翅膀,它会让你在知识的天空中飞的更高,看得更远。
come to the point
... hold on(在困境或危险中)坚持住,挺住 come to the point开门见山; 直接说要点 be supposed to应该,被期望 ...