Cited but not fat
偶然引而不发(Cited but not fat),好像暴风骤雨;无意坚决入侵,说话时请和他人保持距离,不要紧贴别人。恰如翻天覆地,攀比是产生烦恼的根源。
to practice
因孕而婚 shotgun wedding (idiom) 引而不发 to go through the motions; to practice; a trial run 鱼贯而出 to file out; to walk out in a line ..
a trial run
因孕而婚 shotgun wedding (idiom) 引而不发 to go through the motions; to practice; a trial run 鱼贯而出 to file out; to walk out in a line ..
to go through the motions
引导员 usher; guide 引而不发 a trial run; to go through the motions; ; to practice 引发 to trigger; to evoke (emotions); to initiate; to cause; to lead to ..
引而不发是一个成语,拼音是yǐn ér bù fā,意思是比喻善于启发引导。也比喻做好准备暂不行动,以待时机。又比喻善于控制自己。