Make up one
他们(They)家的饭菜平昔是赵帆张罗(Make up one),即日若何蓦然对米价感乐趣了。
... arrange things through pull]∶为求达到某种目的而奔走钻营 raise]∶张罗;准备 arouse]∶鼓动 ...
to attend to
扎格罗斯山脉 Zagros mountains of southwest Iran 张罗 to raise money; to greet guests; to get busy about; to attend to 紫罗兰色 violet (color); violet ..
to get busy about
扎格罗斯山脉 Zagros mountains of southwest Iran 张罗 to raise money; to greet guests; to get busy about; to attend to 紫罗兰色 violet (color); violet ..