Take things too hard
但最少还匡助了那么极少人,热情受挫的、人生路途衰落的、看不清实际的、痛心痛楚的、想不开(Take things too hard)的、不了解的,都有人为此而摆脱。财富不是一辈子的朋友,而朋友却是一辈子的财富。
to fret over trifles
...想办法 to think of a method 想不开 to be unable to take a lighter view; to be depressed; to fret over trifles; to take things too hard; cannot figure out 想不通 unable to get over; unable to understand ..
cannot figure out
...想不开 to be unable to take a lighter view; to be depressed; to fret over trifles; to take things too hard; cannot figure out 悬壶济世 practice medicine or pharmacy to help the people or public ..
to be depressed
...提现 to withdraw funds 想不开 to be unable to take a lighter view; to be depressed; to fret over trifles; to take things too hard; cannot figure out 悬壶济世 practice medicine or pharmacy to help the peo...
想不开,读音xiǎng bù kāi,汉语词语,意思是放不下烦恼和不如意的事情。