... 21、 推拿 ( Massage )应由轻而重,由浅而深,拇指应做横向地鞭策跨越肌束,如此一来,则使肌肉逐渐变厚、肌束变紧、慢(slow)、柔(soft)和深(deep)是..
... perfetto 完美的 piano 慢, 慢的 caratteristico 独特的 ...
关 键 词 】 脂 联 素 ;乙 型 肝 炎 ;慢 性 ;肝 功 能 [gap=1382]Key words: adiponectin; hepatitis B; chronic; liver function tests
Tarde Late
... Jamás Never 决不 Tarde Late 慢,晚 Temprano Early 早 ...
Pride and Prejudice ; pride and ; prede&prejudice ; Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen ; pride and prejudice
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ; COPD ; chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases ; chronic obstructive lung disease
Slowly ; Easy does it ; Take it easy ; Take Your Sweet Time