And though both groups' moods improved after two months, only the low-fat, high-carb group kept up the good feelings. So what we eat doesn't just go to our waists — it also goes to our brains.
We really stress the importance of policies aimed at production and consumption over time by changing not just how much we eat, but what we eat and how frequently we eat it.
But in our hectic modern lives, we often put more focus on what to eat, rather than the manner in which we consume our food.
我们在吃什么 作 者 张秉琪郭淑珍 编著 出 版 社 人民军医出版社 出版时间 2010-2-1 字 数 129000 开 本 16开 I S B N 9787509133897 定价¥25.00