Go Home
...大名单,出其不意的是,原来有伤在身不被看好的丁锦辉结尾留到了队中,反而是能够从3号位打到5号位的李晓旭最后打道回府(Go home),成功者是懂得把握机会的人人若软弱就是自己最大的敌人;人若勇敢就是自己最好的朋友。
to go home to return home
回应要求 in English, Dictiona... ... 传送要求档案 send request file 打道回府 to go home (in a ceremonial procession)to return home 非强制回应 modeless ...
to return home
春武里府 Chonburi province of east Thailand 打道回府 to return home; to go home (in a ceremonial procession) 到府安装工程师 setup technician ..
to return home, to go home
打冲锋 to lead the charge 打道回府 to return home, to go home (in a ceremonial procession) 打地铺 to make one's bed on the floor ..
打道回府是一个汉语词语,读音为dǎ dào huí fǔ,意思是取道回家或原路返回。出自徐贵祥《历史的天空》第12章。