enliven(抖擞), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
... Crystal 克莉斯多 希腊 晶莹的冰,通明的魂魄,没有欺瞒 Dawn 潼恩 英国 拂晓,叫醒,抖擞 Doreen 多琳 希腊 神的赠礼 ...
to invigorate
抖瑟 to quiver; to shiver; to tremble 抖擞 to rouse; to invigorate; to enliven; to put sb into high spirits; con brio 抖擞精神 to gather one's spirits; to pull oneself together ..
to rouse
抖瑟 to quiver; to shiver; to tremble 抖擞 to rouse; to invigorate; to enliven; to put sb into high spirits; con brio 抖擞精神 to gather one's spirits; to pull oneself toge...
抖擞,拼音dǒu sǒu,指振动,引申为振作,形容精神振奋,饱满;施加外力抖动或振动;摆威风;佛教用语,头陀的别称;搜索,寻找;以手举物而振拂;显露,显示。