mortgage-backed securities
2011-4-10 31 抵押支持证券(Mortgage-Backed Securities, MBS)是以住房抵押贷款为基础,以借款人对贷款进 行偿付所产生的现金流为支撑,通过金融市场发行 的证券 ...
MBS ; Mortgage-Backed Security ; Mortgage Backed Assets ; Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities
RMBS ; MBS ; Mortagae-Backed Security ; residential mortgage-backed securities
1、概念: MBS:Mortgage-Backed Security, 抵押支持债券或者抵押贷款证券化。In finance, a mortgage-backed security (MBS) is an asset-backed security whose cash flows are backed by the principal and interest payments of a set of mortgage loans. Payments are typically made mo...