Where they stand
论气度华丽,上海的8万人运动场早已(Long ago)盖过一经委靡不振的工体(Worker),更不用说顿时就拔地而起(Where they stand)的北京奥运主会场;论人气,它没有十年前的成都体育中心人声鼎沸;论史书的深重,它赶不上离它仅十公里的先农坛体育场;但无论如何...
go up
go up 被烧毁, 拔地而起 The tall building went up in fames. 大楼在熊熊烈火中烧毁了.
tower over the land
... tower over the land 拔地而起 to tower over 崛起 tower over the vast grassland 屹立在辽阔的草原上 ...
to rise abruptly from the ground
拔地而起 to rise abruptly from the ground 光怪陆离grouped into grotesque and colorful forms ..
From a grain sand
many skyscrapers ; Many high-rise buildings going up
Many high-rise up ; Many high-rise going up
拔地而起是一个汉语词语,读音为bá dì ér qǐ,指山峰、植物、建筑物等高耸在地面上。形容从地面上突兀而起,非常陡峭、高耸。出自《孟子·尽心上》。