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     Taxis Indexes

    【Key words】 Composite Power System; Reliability Worth; Active Power Correction; Power Market; Taxis Indexes; Sensitivity Arithmetic;

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    Through aggregation, the fuzzy evaluation indexes of each alternative of decision-makers are determined with the method of index of optimism, which are aggregated into group's in…
  • 2
    世行正当地警告试图把那些指标转换为各国实力排序表的潜在危险,但是它是有节制的- - -毕竟利益远远超过了风险。
    The World Bank rightly warns of the potential dangers of efforts to convert such indicators into league tables, but it is being too modest-the benefits far exceed the risks.
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    Overhauling its search results ranking system, so that they are not solely determined by how much advertisers have paid, and are primarily ranked by credibility.