sertoli cells
FSHR is a member of the family of G-protein-coupled receptors expressed mainly in granulosa cells(GCs)of ovary and Sertoli cells of the testis.
FSHR是G-蛋白藕联受体超家族中的成员,主要存在于卵巢的颗粒细胞(granulosa cell)和睾丸的支持细胞(Sertoli cell)中,为高度细胞特异性。
steroli cell
Steroli cell survive rate decreased as the concentration of CS2 increased. The survive rate was significantly lower than the control group when the concentration of CS2≥240μmol/ml (P<0.05).
结果显示CS2处理后的支持细胞存活率随作用浓度的增加而下降,当≥240μmol/ml浓度时,细胞存活率明显下降(P< 0.05)。
supporting cell
supporting cell
The long cytoplasm of supporting cell forms blood sinus.
sustentacular cell
sertoli cell
sertoli cells
They were single cells or paired or aligned or clustered syncytia and adhered on the surface of Sertoli cells or in the concavity formed by Sertoli cell cytoplasm.
支持细胞(Sertoli cells) 支持细胞是为发育中的精子提供保护和营养的细胞,精子发育的各个阶段都是发生在支持细胞的表面。 支持细胞:位于曲细精管管壁上偏于基膜侧的部分,核呈椭圆形或三角形。染色淡,有明显的核仁。其细胞质位于各期生精细胞之间,故不易分辨其细胞界限。 支持细胞是位于生精细管中,具有营养生精细胞和调节生精细胞周期作用的体细胞。