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  • 1

     AL SBA

    余秋雨--文化苦旅 (AL SBA) - 「课本、漫画、小说 ..

  • 2

     Cultural Journey

    一个有梦想的男人 » A dream man 文化苦旅 » Cultural Journey 妈的,现在的小三真翻译公司还和别人老婆都对上了,无语!

  • 3

     Bitter cultural journey

    你们答应的很好,可怎么就是不去做了 » You promise to be good, just don't do it 文化苦旅 » Bitter cultural journey 朋友一辈子 » a lifetime friend ..

  • 4

     Cultural Treks

    ...nk that name with the fate of persons who, without much of a relationship is just a code only 文化苦旅 » Cultural Treks 她从床上摔下来,不会动也不会说话,不一会儿就昏死过去 » She fell off the bed, not moving and will not speak and soon fain...

  • 5

     cultural perplexity in agonized travel

    文化苦旅 cultural perplexity in agonized travel

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    He emphasizes rhythmic time, metrical harmonious beauty, and clean and tidy sentence structure so as to form a unique writing style to impress readers with changes of tidiness and terseness.
  • 2
    Culture is journey is a bitter, astringent, in this one thousand sigh tells journeyed.
  • 百科
  • 文化苦旅

    《文化苦旅》是余秋雨教授80年代在海内外讲学和考察途中写下的作品 ,是他的第一部文化散文集,也是他的代表作。全书所收作品主要包括两部分,一部分是历史、文化散文,散点论述,探寻文化;另一部分是回忆散文。
