freedom of the press
Privacy and freedom of the press and the case of the conflict further elaborated.
press freedom
freedom of press
The principle of judicial independence and freedom of press in China differ in essence from those in western countries.
freedom of the press
And also the essay argues that the history has developed in the logic of the freedom of the press, and the logic can be separated furter into the political logic, economic logic, and cultural educational logic.
它在总体上又顺着新闻自由的逻辑而发展 ,这种逻辑又进一步分为政治的逻辑、市场的逻辑或经济的逻辑、文化教育的逻辑。
press freedom
Study on political nature of publishing industry mainly set foot in national ideology, laws and regulations, civil rights, press freedom, as well as influence on the general public.
freedom of information
The purpose of judicial independence is for judicial justice, and media supervision, an embodiment of freedom of information for the public, is for social equality.
freedom of the press