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     Without recourse credit

    ... am endorsement without recourse 无追索权利背书 Without recourse credit 无追索权信用证 finance without recourse 无追索权资金融通 ...

  • 2

     without recourse letter of credit

    ... without previous notice ==> 不预先通知 without recourse letter of credit ==> 无追索权信用证 without regard for ==> 不考虑 ...

  • 3

     without recourse L/C

    ... 有追索权信用证with recourse L/C 无追索权信用证without recourse L/C 单一信用证simple credit ...

  • 4

     without recourse

    ... 有追索权信用证 ෠ with recourse L/C 无追索权信用证without recourse L/C 单一信用证 뿤 simple credit ...

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  • 无追索权信用证

    无追索权信用证系指出口商签发“对出票人免责”(Drawn without Recourse)字句的跟单汇票,若遭到拒付时,持票人或议付银行不得向出票人或背书人行使追索权。换 言之,议付银行不得要求出票人退还所垫之款额,所遭损失只由议付银行承担。
