old grievance
... old grievance 旧恶 Grievance Mediation 抱怨调解 personal grievance 个人抱怨 ...
old wrong
Old Wrong(旧恶), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
past grievance
... 旧大陆 or the Americas; Old World; old world 旧恶 past grievance; old wrong; wickedness of former times 旧功能 legacy ...
wickedness of former times
... 旧调子 old tune; the same old stuff 旧恶 old wrong; past grievance; wickedness of former times 旧功能 legacy ...
旧恶,汉语词汇。 拼音:jiù è 释义:1、犹旧怨。指过去的仇恨或过节。2.过去犯下的罪过或罪恶。