The storm was a Category 4 storm that roared onshore with winds of up to 125 mph (201 kph).
美国首都华盛顿将再降大雪;就在几天前,该地区遭遇了强烈暴风雪袭击,降雪量高达90 厘米。
The U. S. capital is bracing for a second major snow storm just days after a powerful blizzard pummeled the region with snowfalls up to 90 centimeters.
在凯萨纳登陆越南之前,风速每小时高达144 公里,越南官方疏散了暴风雨途经地区的大约17 万人。
Before Ketsana made landfall in Vietnam, with winds of up to 144 kilometers-per-hour, officials evacuated some 170,000 people from its path.