mixed dentition
2×4矫治技术矫正替牙期前牙反合的临床分析-调查分析-中国口腔正畸网 关键词】 2×4矫治技术; 替牙期; 前牙反 [gap=1246]Key words] 2×4 corrective technique; mixed dentition; anterior crossbite
Period of replaced teeth
...关键词】前方牵引;反;替牙期;骨性安氏Ⅲ类错; [gap=864]Key words] maxillay protraction;crossbite ;period of replaced teeth;skeletal class Ⅲmalocclusion ...
Dental transitional period
...替牙期;上颌中切牙重度扭转;改良Nance弓附牵引钩;2×4矫治技术;早期矫治 [gap=1308]Key words] Dental transitional period;Maxillary central incisor severe torsion;Modified Nance arch attaching towing h..
Anterior crossbite
...术;替牙期;前牙反牙合;Ⅲ类颌间牵引 [gap=1257]Key Words: "2×4" technique;Dental transitional period;Anterior crossbite;Intermaxillary traction (class Ⅲ) ...
late mixed dentition