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     lender of last resort system

    ...范围的监管  贷款风险的监管  对银行内控制度的监管  市场退出的监管 68 最后贷款人制度lender of last resort system)  原因: 银行进行票据贴现,同业拆借不便时, 以及银行恐慌引起的货币紧缩银行挤兑, 短期出现流动性困境,维护金融稳定、 安...

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     The Lender of Last Resort

    金融安全网: 最后贷款人制度 (the lender of last resort ),存款保险制度 一对矛盾

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    所谓最后贷款人制度(Lender of Last Resort,LOLR)是指最后贷款人机构在金融机构陷入流动性危机时为了避免系统性风险的产生,对危机金融机构进行紧急救助或处...

  • 双语例句
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    Third, establish and enhance the relative accessorial mechanism, namely crisis alert system, deposit insurance system, last loan person system and creditor's right back insurance system.
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    There has not been a consensus with respect to lender of last resort (LOLR) across countries, whether in central banking legislation or in central banks practices.
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    周末,德国联邦银行总裁Jens Weidmann警告这样购买债券违反欧洲央行的规定,他否定了央行的最后贷款制度
    Over the weekend, the head of the Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann warned that such bond purchases were against the ECB's rules, and he ruled out a lender-of-last-resort role for the central bank.
  • 百科
  • 最后贷款人制度

    最后贷款人制度(Lender of Last Resort,LOLR),是中央银行的一项职责,是指在银行体系由于遭遇不利的冲击引起流动性需求大大增加,而银行体系本身又无法满足这种需求时,由中央银行向银行体系提供流动性以确保银行体系稳健经营的一种制度安排。
