Take Something Literally
作者: 标题: 望文生义(Take Something Literally) 上一主题 | 下一主题
The words too literally
对干眼症也不能望文生义(The words too literally)而一味用滋阴(Yin)的药物治疗,有干眼症并伴 ,也许需要用疏肝解郁的中药。
Taking the words too literally
...者因某些“熟词”看来满有把握而懒得去查阅工具书, 只凭词汇的表面意思和感觉而“望文生义”(Taking the words too literally),难免会闹出笑话或差错。
interpret without real understanding
... 望子成龙expect one’s children to be talent 望文生义interpret without real understanding 趁热打铁strike when the iron is hot ...
Overseas English
望文生义,汉语成语,拼音是wàng wén shēng yì,意思是指不了解某一词句的确切涵义或来源缘由,光从字面上去牵强附会,做出不确切的解释。出自《輶轩转语·语学》。