Standardized Approach
标准法(Standardized Approach):将银行的所有业务划分为8类产品线,对每一类产品线规定不同的操作风险资本要求系数,并分别求出对应的资本,然后加总8类产品线...
Standard Method
我国商业银行操作风险度量的实证研究-金融学论文|开题报告|毕业论文|文献综述-金融学MBA论文 关键词:商业银行;操作风险;标准法 [gap=961]Key words: commercial bank; operational risk; standard method
harmonization of standards
... executive autority 标准的协调 harmonization of standards 标准法 standard law 标准件 ...
Fair Labor Standards Act ; FLSA ; fair labor standard law ; Fair LabourstandardAct
Fair Labor Standards Act ; FLSA ; human resources Fair Labor Standards Act