protrusion of intervertebral disc
正文: 收藏本文 椎间盘突出(protrusion of intervertebral disc)是指椎间盘变性、纤维环破裂、髓核向背侧突出压迫脊髓,引起以运动障碍为主要特征的一种脊椎疾病,临床上以疼痛、共济失调、麻木、...
slipped disc
关键词】椎间盘突出;颈椎;椎间盘摘除;颈前路;植骨融合术;护理 [gap=717]Key words:slipped disc;cervical vertebrae;disc removal;cervical;bone graft fusion;nursing
disc herniation
(2)椎间盘突出(disc herniation),(2)肾囊性病变:肾囊肿(cyst)、多囊肾(multi-cyst kidney)。1、颅脑外伤(injury):骨髓炎。
[外科] herniated disk
椎间盘突出(herniated disk)是由于退变和外伤所致纤维环破裂、部分髓核通过纤维环缺损处突出、压迫相应脊髓或神经根而形成的一种疾病。
prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc ; lumbar disc herniation ; LDH ; lubar intervertebral disc protrusion
lumbar disc herniation ; lumbar disc protrusion ; Hernia intervertebral discs ; prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc ; lumbar intervertebral disc herniation
lumbar disc herniation ; intervertebral disc herniation ; Dorsal disc prolapse ; Protruded Intervertebral Disc