When you sample an analog port it will return a value between 0 and 1023, proportional on the voltage (05 volts) on the signal pin (pin 3).
serial_cs也可以通过全球定位系统(GPS) PCMCIA和cf卡模拟串行端口。
Serial_cs can also emulate serial ports over Global Positioning System (GPS) PCMCIA and CF CARDS.
您可以在服务器之间拉起 Fibre Channel 电缆和交换机,以模拟坏掉的 FC 电缆;您可以禁用服务器/存储器的某个交换机端口,以模拟交换机失败。
And you can pull a Fibre Channel cable between your servers and switch to simulate a broken FC cable; you can disable one switch port of your server/storage to simulate a switch failure.