... Mullion直棂 Transom横眉 Stained glass window彩绘玻璃窗 ...
to concentrate one's eyebrows
横眉立目 to scowl and stare down; to defy 横眉 to frown; to concentrate one's eyebrows; to scowl 横眉冷对千夫指 to treat with disdain; to defy ..
to frown
横眉立目 to scowl and stare down; to defy 横眉 to frown; to concentrate one's eyebrows; to scowl 横眉冷对千夫指 to treat with disdain; to defy ..
to scowl
... 丢眉弄色 to wink at sb 横眉 to frown; to concentrate one's eyebrows; to scowl 横眉立目 to scowl and stare down; to defy ...