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    ® ® 注册商标(REGISTERED SIGN) € € 欧元符号EURO SIGN) ?

  • 2

     uphawu lweyuro

    ... 模式比对字元 uphawu oluhambisana nephethini 欧元符号 uphawu lweyuro 判别连字号 ikhonco lokuzikhethela ...

  • 3

     euro symbol

    ... 媒体连结项目 media link entry 欧元符号 euro symbol 清单分隔符号 list separator ...

  • 4

     simbol euro

    ... 默认数据文件 fail data lalai 欧元符号 simbol euro 企业元数据 metadata perusahaan ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    If fonts for your printer are not updated to include the Euro, a box will be printed instead of the Euro symbol.
  • 2
    The glyph is "a combination of the Greek epsilon, as a sign of the weight of European civilization; an E for Europe; and the parallel lines crossing through standing for the stability of the euro".
  • 3
    遗憾的是,为欧元或者英镑返回的货币符号不是实际的符号,而是三位的货币代码(来自ISO 4217)。
    Unfortunately, the currency symbols returned for things like euros and pounds are not the actual symbols, but are instead the three-digit currency code (from ISO 4217).