feel like
... feed in输出 feel like欲,想要 figure out想出,相比看eyes引起某人注意。理解,明了;计算出 ...
... 韬:Strategy and tactice 欲: Desire 艺: Artistry ...
... oixi 彼 徢 oojr 欲 鹆 鹆 oojy 却 郤 ...
... Can 可 Will 欲/要/愿 Too 太 ...
"no one should do to others what he does not want others to do to himself" ; “you should not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.” ; Do not do onto others what you do not want others do onto you
Success belongs to those who share; from top to bottom; in one purpose. ; Success belongs to those who share; from top to bottom; in one purpose. Success comes to those who share in one purpose. ; Management and Fortune
Ikiru ; Doomed ; Ikitai ; Living