a magnificent upsurge
... an irresistible trend of history: 不可阻挡的历史潮流 a magnificent upsurge: 波澜壮阔 shackles of the outdated notions: 不合时宜的观念的束缚 ...
surging forward with great momentum
兵强马壮 strong soldiers and sturdy horses; 波澜壮阔 surging forward with great momentum; unfolding on a magnificent scale 出芽茁霉 pullularia pullulans ..
unfolding on a magnificent scale
...强马壮 strong soldiers and sturdy horses; 波澜壮阔 surging forward with great momentum; unfolding on a magnificent scale 出芽茁霉 pullularia pullulans ..
波澜壮阔,汉语成语,拼音是bō lán zhuàng kuò,释义是原形容水面辽阔,现比喻声势雄壮或规模宏大。出自南朝·宋·鲍照《登大雷岸与妹书》。