The old city comprises the ancient bazaar, or Souq, near the dhow harbor, which is still used today for traditional Arab sailing vessels.
波士顿当代艺术学院[Bostons Institute for Contemporary Art (ICA)]是一座位于港口边上的博物馆,令人印象深刻的是,这是一座由琉璃和金属组成的建筑,在它的门厅有一个巨大的牌匾,上面记录着最慷慨的赞助人。
A LARGE plaque in the foyer of Boston's Institute for Contemporary Art (ICA), a museum housed in a dramatic glass and metal building on the harbour's edge, identifies its most generous patrons.
The structure of the port related economic activities, the implication of the port economic contribution, the research methods and its its index system are discussed in this paper.