  • 简明
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  • 1

     parched white peony root

    ... 吵着要 cry for 炒白芍 parched white peony root 吵着为了胜利,要我的魔法剑 the cry for the triumph for my magic sword ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    其主要成分为白芍、阿胶、五味子、麦冬、 火麻仁、枸杞子、蝉蜕、全蝎、生地黄、龟板、生牡蛎、生鳖甲、鸡子黄。
    The main ingredients include white peony root, ass-hide gelatin, schisandra, ophiopogon root, wolfberry fruit and other eight kinds of Chinese medicinal materials.
  • 2
    其主要成分为生地、地榆、柴胡、白芍、茯苓、白术、 栀子、黄芩、侧柏叶。
    The main ingredients include rehmannia root, garden burnet, bupleurum root, white peony root, tuckahoe and other four kinds of Chinese medicinal materials.
  • 3
    MethodsTraditional Chinese medicine in prescription such as herba Leonuri, Poria, Radix Paeoniae Alba were identified by a series of TLC methods.