to feel anxious about sth
皮坚加加拉印地安语 Pitjantjatjara 牵记 to feel anxious about sth; unable to stop thinking about sth; to miss 潜神默记 to devote oneself to a task in silence (idiom) ..
to miss
皮坚加加拉印地安语 Pitjantjatjara 牵记 to feel anxious about sth; unable to stop thinking about sth; to miss 潜神默记 to devote oneself to a task in silence (idiom) ..
《海上花列传》第三四回:“ 王老爷 勿来末,耐牵记煞。” 陆文夫 《荣誉》:“家里再好,可是老是牵记厂。”