  • 简明
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 1

     to integrate theory with practice; to combine theory with practice; to relate theory to practice

    理论联系实际(to integrate theory with practice; to combine theory with practice; to relate theory to practice)

  • 2

     linking theory with practice

    ... 理货公司 tally company 理论联系实际 linking theory with practice 理论与实际相结合 integrade theory with practice ...

  • 3

     to link theory with practice

    ... 课代表 subject representative 理论联系实际 to link theory with practice 论文答辩 thesis defence 劳动密集型 labour-intensive ...

  • 4

     Integrating theory with practice

    在营业活动中 » In the business activities 理论联系实际 » Integrating theory with practice 带着美好的祝福走进去 » went in with a beautiful blessing ..

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 1
    Great attention must be paid to linking theory with practice.
  • 2
    We must link theory with practice.
  • 3
    We should put theory into practice.