the relations of production; productive relations
生产关系(the relations of production; productive relations)
the relations of production
生产关系(the relations of production)
relations of production
生产力(forces of production, that is the raw materials, apparatus, labour power)与生产关系(relations of production)是人类社会中的一对矛盾。这一矛盾存在于社会之中,这对矛盾的冲突或急或缓,最终会导致社会形态的变化。
production relations
“生产关系”(Production relations)是“人类劳动与劳动产品之中的社会关系”。 至于物质生产力与生产关系之间的“相适合”,马克思也在许多著作中,尤其是在《资本论...
social relation of production; social production relation ; social relations of production
rural relations of production
the forces of production and relations of production; the forces and relations of production; the productive forces and the relations of production ; forces and relations of production