[生物物理] biomechanics
但实际上,现 在对软组织物理模型,在医学上称为生物机械学(Biomechanics)的研究还很少, 只有一些来自临床的病理实验表明软组织表现出类纤维胶非线性模型,尚没有得 7 第一章绪论 到较为系统成熟的物理模...
... 释义:生物机械制备 biomechanical preparation 生物机械学 仿生学 bionics 生物力学,生物机械学 biomechanics ...
... 生物 Biomaße f 生物力学;生物机械学 Biomechanik f 生物圈 Biosphäre f ...
We'll talk about imaging which I mentioned, biomechanics or the study of humans as mechanical objects.
生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
Now, I've highlighted three of these in blue here, imaging, mechanics, and biomolecular engineering because if you go on to study Biomedical Engineering here at Yale anyway, these are the things that you might pick to emphasize on.
生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课