Power System and its Automation
...生教育的二级学科: 我国目前还按老学科方向设置研 究生教育的二级学科: 电力系统及其自动化 (Power System and its Automation), , 电 机与电器 (Electrical Machines and Apparatus), , 高电压技术与绝缘 (High Voltage Tech.
Electric Power System and Automation
...电力系统及其自动化;20 kV线路;小电阻接地;单相高阻接地;零序功率方向保护 [gap=759]Key words: electric power system and automation; 20 kV branch; low?
power system and automation
...育网 关键词:电力系统及其自动化;参数辨识;蚁群算法;梯度类算法;负荷建模 [gap=822]keywords:power system and automation; parameter identification; aco; gradient based method; load modeling ..
Electricity system and automation
请跟我说 你愿意 » Please tell me you are willing to 电力系统及其自动化 » Electricity system and automation 你说你不狠心,只是把能放下的放下 » You say you're not heartless, just to put down the drop ..