  • 翻译

Boys don't cry in movies


  • 双语例句
  • 1
    她是被Peter Sarsgaard带入《海鸥》(将于10月1日在Waler Kerr剧院上演),他近几年在电影上风头很健,包括《男孩不哭》,《金赛》。
    She is joined in "the Seagull" (to open on Oct. 1 at the Walter Kerr) by Peter Sarsgaard, who in recent years has been cutting a cinematic swath with movies that include "Boys Don't Cry" and "Kinsey."
  • 2
    In 1999, Swank was chosen for Boys Don't Cry, and the month she spent living as a boy (as her own fictional brother, James) before the filming paid off.
  • 3
    这位现年36岁的女演员在拍摄电影男孩不哭》(Boys Don ' t Cry)之前像个男人一样生活了一个月,在拍摄电影《百万美元宝贝》(Million Dollar Baby)之前到拳击场上学习。
    The 36-year-old actress lived as a man for a month before filming Boys Don't Cry and shaped up for the boxing ring for Million Dollar Baby.