stack ; POP
to deal with the slowdown in economic growth; make difficult structural adjustments; and absorb the effects of previous economic stimulus policies simultaneously ; the three period superimposed ; deal simultaneously with slower economic growth; difficult structural adjustments and the impacts of previous economic stimulus measures
数 Superposition ; Overlay ; 数 superimposition ; overlay
基本字义 ● 叠 diéㄉㄧㄝˊ ◎重复,累积:重(chong )~。层见~出。~罗汉。~韵。~嶂。~翠。 ◎ 折 繁体字:摺:摺~。铺床~被。折~。 ◎ 乐曲的重复演奏:阳关三~。 繁体字:曡、叠