最后,岳清杨的令人回味 lmagine that » 疑似, ..
to be suspected to be
疑山郭公虫 thanasimus dubius 疑似 to be suspected to be; deceptive; plausible but fallacious 疑团 suspicion; doubts and suspicions; a chain of suspicions ..
plausible but fallacious
... old but young at heart 老来少; 老来少 perfect in structure, but not much of it 具体而微; 具体而微 plausible but fallacious 疑似 ...
suspected case ; Probable Case ; US Suspect Case
confirmed cases
AEFI ; Adverse Events Following Immunization
疑似,汉语词汇,拼音yí sì,释义是类似;近似。引申为嫌疑。谓似是而非或是非不明。指似是而非的事物。迷惑不解。亦指疑惑的事。