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     White Eared Pheasant

    白马鸡 White Eared Pheasant ; Crossoptilon crossoptilon ; Tibetan Whiteeared Pheasant ; Szechuan whiteeared pheasant 白马庄 Chateau Cheval Blanc ; C...

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    ...):尾赤棕色而命名;⑧黑鹇(Lophura leucom elanos):以雄鸟的颜色命名,雄鸟体带蓝黑色的光泽;⑨白马鸡(Crossoptilon crossoptilon):..

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     Tibetan Whiteeared Pheasant

    白马鸡 White Eared Pheasant ; Crossoptilon crossoptilon ; Tibetan Whiteeared Pheasant ; Szechuan whiteeared pheasant 白马庄 Chateau Cheval Blanc ; Cheval blanc ; Chateau CH BLANC ; Dhateau Dheval Blanc 白马...

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     Szechuan whiteeared pheasant

    白马鸡 White Eared Pheasant ; Crossoptilon crossoptilon ; Tibetan Whiteeared Pheasant ; Szechuan whiteeared pheasant 白马庄 Chateau Cheval Blanc ; Cheval blanc ; Chateau CH BLANC ; Dhateau Dheval Blanc 白马堡 Cheval Blanc ; Chateau Cheva...

  • 双语例句
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    No hunting has been here for a long time. Therefore, the pheasants are not afraid of people.
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    The occurrence of the roosting sites was positively related to degree of slope, wood cover and wood height, and negatively related to herb cover.
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    In Daocheng county, the wood cut for building house is the biggest threat to White Eared-pheasant. The home of White Eared-pheasant is shrinking and being fragmented for the luxurious wood consume.
  • 百科
  • 白马鸡

    白马鸡(学名:Crossoptilon crossoptilon)共有四个亚种。是大型雉,体长80-100厘米。通体大都白色,头侧绯红色;头顶具黑色短羽,耳羽簇白色,呈短角状。胸淡灰色或白色,飞羽灰褐色,尾羽特长,大都辉绿蓝色,末端沾紫色光泽,羽枝大都分离,披散而下垂。 黄昏时栖于枝上发出响亮粗犷的“嘎、嘎、嘎”叫声,远处可闻。栖息于海拔3000-4000米的高山和亚高山针叶林和针阔叶混交林带,有时也上到林线上林缘疏林灌丛中活动,以小群活动,觅食于林间草地。不喜飞行,受惊扰时扎入附近灌丛。主要以灌木和草本植物的嫩叶、幼芽、根、花蕾、果实和种子为食。繁殖期5-7月。4月中旬群即开始逐渐分散成小群和配对,一雌一雄制。每窝产卵7-15枚。孵卵由雌鸟承担,雄鸟在巢附近活动和警戒。雏鸟早成性,出壳后不久即随亲鸟离巢活动。是中国特产鸟类。
