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  • 1

     Hundred Family Surnames

    ... 道德观念 moral codes 百家姓 hundred family surnames 取名的艺术 personal names ...

  • 2

     The Book of Family Names

    ... 办公楼 » Office building 百家姓 » The Book of Family Names 爸爸的爸爸 » Father of father ...

  • 3

     Sign Me

    (1)百家姓(Sign Me)是按什么纪律摆列的 A、由于职员数目多少

  • 4

     One Hundred Family Name Primer

    ... 聊斋志异 Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio 二十四孝 24 Stories of Filial Piety 百家姓 One Hundred Family Name Primer ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    The most common 100 names account for 84.77 percent of the population, which is about 1.3 billion.
  • 2
    As we know, there are hundreds of family names used in China, we can not tell people's background or statue from his name.
  • 3
    中国姓氏多达63 62个,但大姓比较集中,《》收录4 68个姓氏可以涵盖全国人口90 %左右。
    There about 6362 surnames are existing in China at present and 468 recorded in the book Hundred Surnames can cover 90 percent of the Whole population.