try to get to the heart of a matter
盘根究底 try to get to the heart of a matter; get to the bottom of the [an] affair; inq ..
get to the bottom of the affair
询问的, 打听的, 爱追根究底的的英文 ... 归根究底 after all is said and done 盘根究底 try to get to the heart of a matter; get to the bottom of the [an] affair; inq ... 盘根究底try to get to the heart of a matter transfer ...
盘根究底 try to get to the heart of a matter; get to the bottom of the [an] affair; inq ... 盘根究底try to get to the heart of a matter transfer ..
盘根究底,汉语成语,拼音是pán gēn jiū dǐ,意思是追究事情的根由。出自清·李汝珍《镜花缘》。